Image Objects

When loading artwork for use as a backdrop for stitches, you may load as many images as you want. Each will be added to its own object. Ordinarily the first thing you would do when creating a design is to load the artwork, position it on the design page, perhaps select a destination hoop size, and then resize the image to that size. You can also rotate, stretch and mirror the image as needed. The image will display with a default transparency, which can be adjusted using the “Bitmap” property page for the image.

Once you begin creating stitch objects on top of that image, the image will “lock” automatically in place. This is the same as if you lock it using the Object View toolbar buttons. A locked object means that it cannot be selected by clicking on it in the main view, if it isn’t already selected. Any locked object can be selected using the Object View. So it is possible to move or alter the transparency of the image even after you have begun to add stitches, if you care to do so.