The Thread Editor (Essentials, Enthusiast, StitchArtist)

The management of threads is a challenge for every embroiderer. And every embroiderer handles this differently. Some people are very organized and will colorize designs with only colors they actually own. Others resist changing threads at all. And of course commercial embroiderers ignore colors onscreen entirely and just run whatever colors the job calls for.

The Thread / Palette Editor provides a place for you to manage which threads you own, create smaller palettes for specific projects, and even share those palettes with others.

When choosing colors in the main program window, you are given the choice of picking colors from thread lines or palettes. The reason for this is to allow quick access to a current set of project colors, rather than taking the time to scroll through a long list of threads and their complete color lists. Often, an embroiderer is working with a set of colors repeatedly and selecting through a long list when you, “Just want that blue I’m using,” would be tedious. For this reason, there is a checkbox that is used to determine whether the color list is shown as a thread or a palette.

126-Basic Thread & Palette Editor

Note: For the purposes of discussion, the term “thread line” and “palette” are considered synonymous, except when discussing the above checkbox.

The program ships with data for many thread lines, including some that may not be available to you in your area. If you would prefer not to have those threads show up in your list (while changing colors in a design), you can check the box labeled, “Do not display.” This does not hide the thread in the Thread Editor, only in the Thread and Color properties when working with designs and objects.

The ‘Notes’ box can be used to enter any useful information about a particular palette. For instance, you might create a palette of colors for a particular job or project and you can enter information such as “The blue design matches the print on the front of the shirt.”

Each thread brand or palette is stored as a file on your computer. As such, the toolbar has options for you to create new thread palettes, save a palette which you’re working on, and even delete a palette that’s no longer needed. These actions are performed by the left three buttons on the toolbar.