Welcome to The Density Repair Kit, the most sophisticated density adjustment and analysis tool available for the embroiderer! DRK does the following:
• Removes hidden stitches from within a design so that it will sew thinner, cleaner, and with less thread (and needle) breakage.
• De-Clumps design areas. These are areas that are over-sewn repeatedly with the same color.
• Filters small stitches from your designs that would otherwise create thread build-ups and jam the machine.
• Reduce the density in designs that were shrunk to fit a hoop.
• Increase the density of designs for better coverage.
• View the density of designs to see how they’ll sew before expending time and thread on a trial.
• Limits the density of your designs based on the fabric and thread that you are using.
• Informs you of how best to embroider the project or fabric that you are working on. It recommends stabilization, hooping technique, needle type and size, and thread weight to help your project succeed.
• Saves you time and money. Reduced stitch counts save enormous amounts of time and thread usage. Proper density adjustments allow projects to complete successfully. With DRK, project time and thread savings of 15%-30% are common!