Mapping Letters

Once you have the designs loaded into the window, you will have to map them to keystrokes. The field marked “Letter:” lets you type a character on your keyboard which will map to the current design. The current design is boxed in by black lines in the view on the right. In the picture at the start of this section, the number ‘2’ is selected.

If you have a set of designs where all the letters or numbers line up next to each other, you have some shortcuts provided for you to map the keyboard to the designs. You’ll see the buttons “A-Z”, “a-z” and “0-9.” As an example, click on the design that is the letter “A” to select it. Then click the “A-Z” button. This will automatically map the A-Z letters to those 26 designs.

If your designs are organized in some other order then you will have to manually type those keys to map the font.