Rotate Around a Point

An object named “Rot” is a special name in the Platform. When it is selected with other items, you can rotate those other items around the point. These other items can be lettering, created objects, etc. The rotation works like you would normally expect, except instead of rotating around the center of the selected objects, the center of the rotation is around the rotation object.

The rotation object in the library is simply a StitchArtist-created circle with no stitching. It is included in the library for convenience and for those who don’t own StitchArtist. If you do own StitchArtist, you are free to make your own objects labeled, “Rot” for this purpose.

Note: If multiple rotation objects are in the selection, the first one in the sequence is used and the others rotate along as normal objects.

Using this method of adding rotation objects, you may lay them on the page wherever you like, and have as many as you want. Then, different selections can be made, all referencing the single point of rotation. It is handy for manually making carousel or spiral design layouts.

Pasting multiple copies and rotating around a point.