Enthusiast (Optional)

Once you have mastered the Essentials, you might be ready to play a little bit more, explore more advanced functions, and take on a little more challenge. If this is you, you might be an enthusiast. We named this program after you!

      Stitch editing

You can select stitches in your design using Lasso and similar tools; move, delete, copy paste, split, and more. Repair gaps in stitching. Adjust compensation, change stitch type from satins and fills, select and correct stitch types, including cleaning up jumps, ensure tie stitches before and after jumps.

      Multiple hooping

Many built-in multiple position hoops pre-loaded. Split AUTOMATICALLY using our patented feature. Use Mega Hoop, Plus Hoop, Jumbo Hoop, Dream Hoop, etc.

      Baste Hoop

Beyond basting a design, sometimes tricky fabrics and toppings require an extra bit of help.

      Precise Position

Accurate positioning of any design on the page. Use this advanced customizing feature for perfect layouts.

      Mirror X 4

Take corner designs and perfectly set them in all four corners of the hoop.

      Instant repeat

Repeat a design across and down. Make a nice effect.


Create a circular composition out of your designs.


Unique effect to create copies of your designs, including lettering, for neat effects on large spaces.

      Advanced Thread editor

Beyond the Essentials palette creator, the Enthusiast editor lets you make your own thread brands, and pick colors right off web pages or PDFs.

      Advanced Sizing controls

The sizing in Essentials is automatic and very clever, but it uses a set of default parameters. The Enthusiast in you might want to adjust those parameters.

      Advanced Stitch properties

Control satin and fill density within each color layer in any stitch file.


Stitch Editing

Multi-Position Hooping

Precise Position

Instant Repeat

Mirror X4



Creating colors using Enthusiast

Sizing Properties

Stitch Properties

Baste Hoop