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Comments or questions are welcome. We answer every inquiry using our support ticket system.
Sometimes we are unable to answer immediately at night (in the U.S.A.) or on the weekend, particularly Sunday, and we hope you understand. Everyone who answers tickets is engaged full time in product development or testing, and we all try to fill in odd hours (even holidays!) as we’re able. In this manner, you are having a conversation with someone intimately familiar with the product, not an amateur.
If you have not heard back from us, please check your SPAM folder. Sometimes technology gets in the way of communication, but we do our best. We really do answer every question!
Have what might be a common question? Please read the F.A.Q.
For questions not in the FAQ, you can search the guide at the Embrilliance Support Center. Click here to learn how to get your password, find answers and view support requests.
Visit the Embrilliance Support Center
Need your serial numbers? If you create an account or have one, log in. From your account dashboard, you’ll be able to have a list of all your registered Serial Numbers emailed to you by our system. You’ll get whatever you’ve registered regardless of where you bought it.
Thank you for reaching out!