If you need a quick-stitching project that only takes a little fabric and uses nothing more than your embroidery machine to create, you’re in luck! Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, this in-the-hoop oversized coaster or ‘mug rug’ uses less than a fat quarter (18 X 22″) of fabric, no more than a 6×8 piece of batting, and your embroidery machine does most of the work. The total stitch-to-finish time can be under 20 minutes! This emerald accessory is perfect for teacher or caregiver gifts, either on its own or paired with a cute mug or coffee/tea house gift card. Anyone who welcomes a warm cup of cheer will feel lucky to have this well-crafted gift!

Our friend Lisa Shaw of Bubbles’ Menagerie created this lovely project in StitchArtist so we can give you this free download here on the project blog. If this is your first ‘mug rug’ or you need a refresher on stitching instructions, she included this information in the Design Notes – you’ll find them in the Properties tab at the lower right of the Embrilliance window once you’ve opened the file. No need to look for a PDF or additional instructions; Lisa wrote a list of critical steps in the Design Notes section of her BE file as she created it, something you too can do with your own files as an Embrilliance user.

Any information written into the notes panel will be saved in .BE working files for future reference. That’s just one more of the powerful feature of the Embrilliance file format!
This design is provided in our native .BE format, enabling you to save a stitch file for any embroidery machine. If you aren’t already an Embrilliance owner, we provide a free method to use our software called Express Mode that will not only allow you to use any of the wonderful free designs found in our project blog, but also enables you to install and create basic text treatments with fonts distributed in our popular .BX format produced by many embroidery design creators.
To learn more about Embrilliance Express and for the instructions and links you need to download, install, and use our software with our free project files, please click here.