We have a couple FREE machine embroidery designs for you to celebrate the Dads in your lives! We are including the designs as .BE working files you can open and save to any machine file format that you need using any Embrilliance Platform program including our free Express Mode! Not sure how to save the stitch file? Here is a link to our youtube video showing you the exact steps to take, or a helpful FAQ page on using BE and BX files, it’s as easy as 1-2-3!
Download the above design to stitch denim shirts, a drink sleeve for Dad’s favorite beverage or, even on a zipped pouch to help keep “Dad Stuff” organized. This design was digitized in StitchArtist and since we’re providing the original .BE working file, those that have StitchArtist, you can see all the design objects and their properties!
WordArt designs are a sentimental way to express how you feel about the person for whom you create a design. This WordArt design is extra special, because we have included the .BE working file. With the working file, you can personalize it even further, as it allows you to customize the lettering objects with your favorite BX fonts. Create a personal and thoughtful card by stitching this on nicely-stabilized woven fabric and inserting into pre-cut cards you’ll find in the photo cards and scrapbooking section of most craft stores!
Want to share your WordArt projects with us? We love to be inspired and see what it is that you make with the Embrilliance software programs! If you would like to see your project featured in our projects blog, please send us pictures and information about it using this link.
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Thank you. Cant wait to use the design