We absolutely love this embellished jean project from Katie Deshazer. “I love to sew my own jeans, and the back pocket design is my favorite part! Embrilliance makes it so easy to adjust designs to fit exactly in my pocket and make my jeans really MINE.”
Continue reading for more information from Katie on her project.
The star design for the back pocket comes from String Theory Fabric Arts. I digitized a template for my back pocket using Stitch Artist 3.
Jeans pattern is Angel Bootcut from Angela Wolf patterns.
For this pocket, I started with a template that I digitized with Stitch Artist, using a jpg of the pattern piece. With the template, I
was able to position and resize my design to get exactly the look I wanted. DRK made sure my stitchout was perfect without puckers, lumps
or bumps.
Thanks Katie, for sharing your fabulous one-of-a-kind jeans project. Sew Inspiring!
If you’d like to be featured on the Embrilliance project blog, click here to submit your pics!
Thanks so much for sharing my jeans!