
On sale until March 5, 2025

Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $139.00.

Every embroiderer needs basic tools to make embroidery designs their own. These tools should be fast to learn and fun to use; that’s why we made Essentials! With Embrilliance Essentials, you can merge designs, resize designs (recalculate stitches), remove overlapping stitches, colorize, print templates, add lettering, and so much more.

Runs Natively on MacOS and Windows


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Want MORE fonts? Click Here to save with our latest bundle!

Get The Essential Bundle with Essentials and 38 additional native, scalable, fonts built for the Embrilliance Platform at an unheard-of price, available for a limited time!

We believe that every embroiderer needs basic tools to view, manage, and customize their embroidery designs. Those tools should be fast to learn and shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. They should work with the computer you prefer, whether it’s a Mac or a PC with Windows 10. Embroidery software should be easy, fun, and useful for every embroiderer.

Welcome to Essentials 2020 2

An embroiderer friend once explained the tools they needed most in their embroidery software; and we listened. When more and more people agreed, it occurred to us that some tools are really essential to every embroiderer. Other programs may have them, but include excessive add-ons, throwing in everything including the kitchen sink and charging you accordingly. We take just what embroiderers need most and pack them one simple, inexpensive program; that’s Embrilliance Essentials.

What are the “Essentials?”

With Embrilliance Essentials installed on your Mac or Windows computer, you can:


This border repeat design went from 9 colors to 3!
  • Undo changes as you work, with many levels of ‘Undo’
  • Fit designs to your hoop with stitch recalculation.
  • Align and Distribute elements in your embroidery design.
  • Add basting stitches to embroidery designs.
  • Use our special self-modifying designs, and try out a few that come with the program! These designs calculate their stitches as you play with them for super results!
  • Use special template files that allow for text in envelopes and on pre-drawn baseline shapes.
Word Art / Text Shape Envelope Tool available only in Embrilliance Embroidery Software
These free envelopes from our Project Blog add powerful styling to your lettering!
  • Manage your embroidery thread collection, including marking ones you own, including quick and easy import from CSV spreadsheet files.
  • Create Designer 1 floppy disks and USB sticks
  • Wirelessly send designs to Brother and Baby Lock machines.
  • Directly access your imported fonts and libraries for easy transfer between computers.

Please visit the Downloads page to view the current online help files or to read the Embrilliance manual

View, select, and insert designs into your working file!
View, select, and insert designs into your working file!

Size matters, too!

Some companies charge more than this for a program that only does resizing of embroidery designs. With Essentials, sizing with stitch recalculation is included! You can re-size embroidery designs down to 50% and up to 250% of their original size!

We Live in a Colorful World

Colorize your embroidery designs! In a couple clicks, you can convert an entire design to your favorite thread brand. Want to change colors in a design one-by-one? Do you have a DST file without colors and want to see what it looks like in color and save a new file? No problem! We’ve got you covered. Er, colored! You can even create your own custom palette manually or by importing a formatted CSV file, but if you don’t see your thread brand in the software, we’ll add it for you! Send us a link to your brand’s color info and we’ll include it in future releases of the Embrilliance Platform.

One-click conversion to your favorite thread brand.


Embrilliance Essentials has applique features that make it unique in the embroidery world. You can use an existing applique design and select position and material colors allowing the removal of hidden top-stitches in overlapping appliques, while leaving the position and material runs unmodified. You can also use the position color to create a cutting file using our patent-pending technology. Brother ScanNCut, Silhouette Cameo, and other cutters can use the files Essentials creates.

Create applique cut files from stitch file placement lines!

What makes Essentials stand out from the rest?

We all know there are other programs to do embroidery; some have great features, and some even have great prices. Sadly, features you’re told you’ll love are the ones you rarely use and when you want to do a simple task, it isn’t easy. Often, products have no dedicated community and help is haphazard. Worse, the inexpensive web-only software isn’t supported by your local dealer.

Embrilliance is here to fix all that. We have dealers, dedicated support, and wonderful software narrowed down to the features every embroiderer needs. More than that, we made it affordable! If you have the desire to get more out of embroidery than simply using your machine, Embrilliance Essentials is how you do it.

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You’ re viewing: Embrilliance Essentials Original price was: $159.00.Current price is: $139.00.
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Project Advisor

Shows the Embrilliance Essentials Project Advisor which helps you select the right materials and explains hooping for your embroidery project.

With Embrilliance Essentials’ Project Advisor, simply select your fabric type, or enter the thickness and stretch of your material and Essentials gives you recommendations for the proper needle, thread, topping, and backing as well as project notes to help you get your best result.

Split Designs

Embrilliance Essentials allows you to split designs over multiple positions using built-in hoop templates for many common multi-position hoops. Embrilliance splits designs in such a way to make the ‘seams’ between positions less noticeable so that you get a smoother finish.

Colorize Embroidery Designs

Using Embrilliance Essentials, you can add colors even to designs that aren’t stored with color formats, saving the results in the versatile .BE working file format. You can even add simulated previews of applique material as shown in this example.

With a single click, you can convert the existing colors saved in any design into your favorite thread brand.

Resize with Stitch Calculation

Scale designs up to 250% or down to 50% of their original size while maintaining the same density as the digitizer intended. Small designs won’t be too packed and large designs won’t be too sparse if you resize them with Essentials!

As you can see in the image above, the density (space between lines of stitching) is the same in both the original size and the upscaled version at twice the size.

Merge Designs

Using the Merge Design tool, Embrilliance Essentials lets you preview designs and insert them into your design page, even from Zip files!

Fonts included in Embrilliance Essentials

Embrilliance Essentials includes 21 fantastic object-based, scalable fonts.
For full character previews, see the ‘Fonts’ tab on the Essentials Products Page

ACE Barrel

0123456789 .,;:?!’”@-#$%&()\/¸´°ˆ˜¨
Minimum recommended size: 8mm
Maximum allowable size: 200mm

ace barrel abc


0123456789 !
Minimum recommended size: 11mm
Maximum allowable size: 100mm



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789!”#$%&'()*+,-./:;=>?@[]^_{}’ «»¿„¡€£ßÞÆÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑ
ÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜØÝàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñ øþùúûüýÿòóôöõœŒšŽž
Minimum recommended size: 11mm
Maximum allowable size: 100mm


Block Condensed

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789!”#$%&'()*+,-./:;=>?@[]^_{}’ «»¿„¡€£ßÞÆÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑ
ÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜØÝàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñ øþùúûüýÿòóôöõœŒšŽž
Minimum recommended size: 14mm
Maximum allowable size: 68mm


Bold Cursive

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 !”#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{}
Minimum recommended size: 16mm
Maximum allowable size: 75mm

Bold Cursive

Bold Cursive Connected

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 !”#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_{}
Alternate |”open” ‘”
Alternate |”close” ‘”
Minimum recommended size: 16mm
Maximum allowable size: 75mm

Bold Cursive

Brush Script Connected

Minimum recommended size: 10mm
Maximum allowable size: 200mm

Brush Script Connected abc


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 !”#$%&'()*+,-./:;?
Minimum recommended size: 9mm
Maximum allowable size: 100mm


Curly Q

$|”pound” &|”original”
Minimum recommended size: 13mm
Maximum allowable size: 120mm

curly q abc

Curtis Script Connected

Alternate |”Even”: K
Minimum recommended size: 8mm
Maximum allowable size: 200mm

curtis script connected abc

Flare Serif

AABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789!”#$¢%&'()*+,-./:;=?@^’ ¿¡€£¥©®™”“‘’ßÞþÆÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑ
ÒÓÔÕÖÙÚÛÜØŸàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñ øþùúûüýÿòóôöõœŒ
Minimum recommended size: 7mm
Maximum allowable size: 200mm



Minimum recommended size: 15mm
Maximum allowable size: 50mm


MGM Diamond

Minimum recommended size: 20mm
Maximum allowable size: 200mm

mgm diamond

Old English

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
0123456789 !”(),./;
Minimum recommended size:16mm
Maximum allowable size: 180mm

Old English


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
0123456789 !’,.:;?
Minimum recommended size: 15mm
Maximum allowable size: 54mm


Philly Connected

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
0123456789 !’,.:;?
Alternate |”Classic”: f
Minimum recommended size: 15mm
Maximum allowable size: 54mm



Minimum recommended size: 17mm
Maximum allowable size: 100mm



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 !”$%&'()*+,-./:;=?
Minimum recommended size: 23mm
Maximum allowable size: 75mm



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
0123456789 !&’,-.?
Minimum recommended size: 35mm
Maximum allowable size: 90mm



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
123456789 !”#$%&'()*+,-./:;=?
Minimum recommended size: 25mm
Maximum allowable size: 75mm


Varsity Flair Connected

Alternate |”Connected”: A
Alternate |”Original”: &Fdi
Minimum recommended size: 10mm
Maximum allowable size: 200mm

varsity flair connected ABC1

That’s 21 fonts included, but don’t forget, if you want more native, object-based fonts, there’s Font Collection 1 and Font Collection 2!

Runs natively on your preferred platform!

  • Mac OSX 10.10 – MacOS 11.6
  • Windows 7, 8, 10 (both 32 and 64 bit), and Windows 11
  • Embrilliance is the only brand in the world that offers embroidery software running native on MacOS and Windows 32 and Windows 64 (so it’s faster)!

Print Templates

Print properly sized templates and color run sheets from your embroidery designs.

Print 1:1 scale templates  with centering marks and run sheets previewing individual color stops from your embroidery designs.

Lettering Sequences

Embrilliance’s lettering tool includes built in center-out lettering sequences for stable stitching on cylindrical cap frames.

Special monogram sequences let you set which of the 3 letters will stitch in order, perfect for adding dimension, like making the last name’s initial overlap the other letters for a more prominent finish.

Sequence monograms to leave the center letter on top for dimensional treatments on overlapping letters.

Convert Lettering to Stitches

Easily convert text objects to stitch blocks with 2 clicks.

Embrilliance Essentials lets you convert lettering objects into stitch blocks with 2 clicks.

With Essentials’ Stitch Simulator, you can play back a design and stop at the stitch where you want to insert your color stop or function.

You can create striped text like this using only these simple functions.

Create Applique Cut Files

Embrilliance Essentials lets you convert the placement stitch lines from applique embroidery design stitch files into vector shapes you can cut with both home and commercial cutting machines. With a couple of clicks, applique cut files can be saved as .SVG, .PLT, .FCM (ScanNCut) and .studio (Silhouette).


Shows the Notes function in Embrilliance Essentials

Located in the Properties panel, the Notes tab lets you attach notes to specific designs inside of your working file’s design page. You’ll see your notes in the same tab the when that design is selected, and in the ‘About this Page’ option under the View menu.

Working Files

Shows the working file format allowing text to be changed in an embroidery file

When you save your embroidery in an Embrilliance Platform native BE working file, you can keep your color selections, add special notes, and change the text you’ve added to your design. With native BE files, you can save your work, alter your additions, and export to a wide range of stitch file types without losing the ability to edit what you’ve added to the design.

Modify Lettering

Shows multiple single-click text and monogram modifications you can do with Embrilliance Essentials

Embrilliance Essentials’ built-in quick styles can convert letters from any font into a stylish monogram or shaped text in an instant!

Displays Embrilliance's Text tools for Slant, Curve, and Spacing

The Slant, Curve, and Space tools allow you to reshape and style your text with simple sliders to create new treatments. You can even adjust multiple sliders on the same lettering object!

Add Lettering to Embroidery Designs

Embrilliance Essentials lets you add text to design with multiple lines of lettering and specific multiline controls.

Along with adding single words or lines of text, you can use a multi-line mode with specific controls for line spacing.

Monogram Font in Embrilliance Essentials

Under single-line text, monogram fonts properly mapped for Embrilliance automatically select the correct character for the placement in the monogram without typing special codes.

Embrilliance allows you to easily type text on a circular path.

Switch to circle text and you can type text around any circle, just set the radius to your chosen measurement and decide where the text will sit on the baseline. Circle mode also lets you wrap long lines of lettering into a spiral!

Advanced Sizing Controls

Includes Sensitivity controls to adjust for the discovery of fills and satin stitches, Gap Reduction to help reduce gaps between adjacent areas when you upscale designs, and stitch length filters to avoid overly long, loopy stitches and tiny stitches that are too closely crammed together.