The calendar said National Poinsettia Day is December 12th, and that got me sketching. The concept drawing sat on my desk for about a week before Thanksgiving this year. The night before buried us in snow, and it kept coming well into the late morning. It lightened up for a bit, so we went out to play. It was then that we made the little introduction video. That video locked me in: It was on Thanksgiving, so the design had to go out within a day or so. Fortunately, the weather kept us mostly indoors anyway. (Except to shovel the driveway, of course!)
The project is a freestanding poinsettia made up of three designs sew on water-soluble stabilizer. It’s a fun and easy embroidery with a really pretty final product. You may sew the final version with the enclosed files, or follow the lesson on digitizing and make your own personalized creation.
Art and design files for this project are available at the bottom of this page after our announcement.
Embrilliance needs your help to win!
Embrilliance‘s programs, services, and crew have been nominated for multiple categories in the 2019 2 Regular Guys Reggie Awards, and if you enjoy the value we provide, we’d love your vote. It only takes a quick click on the bar showing the Embrilliance candidate for each category below!
(It may take longer than expected for the categories to load; they are hosted by a third-party site and may take up to 30 seconds to show completely. Thank you for your patience and your vote!)
First up, our new Envelopes have gained attention for the Best New Product Category!
Second, our own Lisa Shaw was nominated for her work representing Embrilliance!
Third, Embrilliance was honored to be nominated a second time for Best Customer Service!
Fourth, Embrilliance’s YouTube Channel was nominated a second time for Best Online Educational Content!
Fifth, both Erich Campbell and Lisa Shaw was honored to be nominated a second time for Best Customer Service!
Sixth, our Brilliant Embrilliance Embroidery group was nominated for Best Facebook or LinkedIn Community/Group!
Seventh, Embrilliance’s Lisa Shaw and Erich Campbell were both nominated for Best Guest on the Podcast in 2019!
Last, but not least, Erich Campbell and Lisa Shaw were both nominated again for Best Ambassador for the Industry!
Thank you very much for voting for Embrilliance! We couldn’t be what we are without you!
To get the files needed to create your own freestanding poinsettia, download the zipped file here or click the button below!
The design is provided in our native .BE format, enabling you to save a stitch file for any embroidery machine. If you aren’t already an Embrilliance owner, we provide a free method to use our software called Express Mode that will not only allow you to use any of the wonderful free designs found in our project blog, but also enables you to install and create basic text treatments with fonts distributed in our popular .BX format produced by many embroidery design creators.
To learn more about Embrilliance Express and for the instructions and links you need to download, install, and use our software with our free project files, please click here.
Bless you for your generosity, simply beautiful!
Thank you and happy christmas!