
On sale until February 11, 2025

Original price was: $389.00.Current price is: $369.00.

Designed for those who want to create more sophisticated embroidery designs and logos, StitchArtist Level 2 enables production and skills training with a more complete set of digitizing tools and a wider selection of embroidery stitch types and properties, allowing you to create virtually any design. With level 2, you can use satin stitches to their fullest extent with stitch inclination control and import vector art and cutting file formats to create embroidery objects.

Includes all Level 1 Tools
Immediate Download! No Waiting for Delivery.
Includes Mac and Windows Versions

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Who should use StitchArtist Level 2?

StitchArtist Level 2 is for hobbyists and professionals who want to create more sophisticated designs like logos, mascots, custom text treatments, and detailed designs of all styles.

Level 2 is great for those who want to jump directly into fully custom, graphical design work, users of Level 1 who are looking for more control over their stitches, and those with existing design and digitizing skills. With the addition of Bezier drawing, left-right, and sided column input, users of vector drawing software and classic embroidery digitizing software alike will find familiar methods for creating design elements.

StitchArtist Level 2 is designed for production and skills training, including a wide cross-section of embroidery stitch types and properties with enough freedom and control to create virtually any design. If you are looking to use satin stitches to their fullest extent, StitchArtist 2 is for you.

Typical Level 2 projects include: traditional embroidery designs, commercial logos, team sports mascots, custom text / logotypes, patches, stock designs meant for resale design collections, in-the-hoop designs like custom-shaped keyfobs, and simple puffy foam objects using our automated 3D foam underlay.

Level 2 gives you complete control in drawing objects and setting stitch angles.

This Product is a ‘Full Version’

You do not need to own StitchArtist Level 1 to use this version of StitchArtist Level 2;  this product contains all Level 1 and Level 2 features. If you do already own Level 1 and want to upgrade, click here to find the Level 1 to Level 2 upgrade package which allows you to add level 2 features to your existing Level 1 StitchArtist program at a reduced upgrade price. You can always purchase an upgrade to any level of StitchArtist – for the difference in price between the Full Version programs.

See the tabs above for a detailed look at what’s available in StitchArtist Level 2!

How do I use it?

StitchArtist is a program to create machine embroidery designs from scratch.

Draw, use the built-in shapes, import vector/cutting files and edit the shapes for embroidery, or bring in a picture (such as .jpg), then ‘draw with stitches’ over the artwork, using it as a guide.

You control the shapes, sizes, set the stitching properties, assign stitch angles by adding inclination lines, and StitchArtist generates the actual stitches.

Those familiar with vector drawing will feel very comfortable with StitchArtist, but the easy ‘draw with points’ spline tool makes creating shapes easy to learn for everyone.

When assigning stitches to shapes, you have freedom to change your mind at any time. You can assign any shape a new stitch type easily.

Easier Editing and Creation

Creating designs often requires the ability to edit shapes. StitchArtist has features that make object creation and editing easy:

  • Stitch generation is instant and automatic.
  • No mode changes for selection, editing, coloring, moving, sizing, rotating or adjusting properties.
  • You can work in any number of display modes such as 3D. You aren’t locked to a specific mode during any process.
  • Hundreds of editable vector shapes are included. Several geometric shapes are easily created and altered with the automated shape tool.
  • Perfect curves are 3 clicks away with the 3 point arc tool.
  • Users unfamiliar with Bezier curves can use a simulated spline (draw with points) system that’s easier to learn and teach.

You can do this!

All you need is a project to get started on and a willingness to try. Even master digitizers start by creating simple shapes, and learning about stitches and settings by reaching a little further with every piece they make. If you want to reach further and make something special, StitchArtist level 2 has both the simple tools to get you started and the professional power to help you grow.

It’s one reason that StitchArtist has the largest online community of any design creation or digitizing tool. People love to help each other figure out new ways to use stitches, work out the best way to draw objects, discuss the best ways to digitize for a specific garment or object, and simply delight in how the community members grow in their craft!

Level 2 has all the ease of Level 1, but with increased control over the way stitches are generated and a host of tools that professional digitizers know and love. With Level 2, you can build your experience and have all the tools you need for professional, production-worthy designs.

Upgrade on your Schedule

Ready for the top of the line? StitchArtist level 3 is available complete or as an upgrade, and it never costs more to take the upgrade route than it does to buy level 3 at the outset. Level 2 users who master the its tools and those familiar with vector drawing and design like level 3’s additional drawing and shaping tools, while stock design sellers who want quick, all-format stitch-file savings, and those who want to create their own custom motifs, patterns, and object-based fonts upgrade to get professional custom tools to help them quickly serve customers and publish professional assets for the Embrilliance community.

Welcome to StitchArtist!

StitchArtist is embroidery design-creation software. It is easy-to-use and designed for everyone: New embroiderers, artists, graphics professionals, and seasoned apparel decorators. This is accomplished with product levels. As the level goes up, additional tools and control are added. Created with education in mind, StitchArtist’s level upgrades allow you to grow the software as you learn to take more control over your embroidery.

The process of design creation, commonly called ‘digitizing’, generally requires a skilled person using a specialized tool. StitchArtist is that tool, but created specifically to take the traditional difficulty out of the process so users can concentrate on design and creativity.

In a radical departure from the typical digitizing interface, StitchArtist uses a single mode to draw, set stitches, size, edit, rotate, sequence, and set properties of design objects. It is easy and intuitive. There is built-in help that replicates the printable .PDF manuals (download at any time), very active social communities, and of course, the award-winning Embrilliance support system.

Embrilliance creates tools that people love to use. We put you in control, and use automation only where appropriate. This is how the best designs are made.

Given the easy-to-use genius of StitchArtist, it’s easy to think it is an automated digitzing tool. It is not. StitchArtist is not a photo-to-stitch tool or an auto-digitizing program. Such things are sold but do not create nice embroidery. There is no such thing as ‘conversion’ from an image to an embroidery design. It takes a human being with an eye for stitch types, but no real artistic skill is required. Can you trace? Can you click your mouse or tap your pen? You have all the skill you need to start.

StitchArtist is part of the Embrilliance Platform, sharing one program with our other titles like Essentials and Enthusiast. This means that as you add titles, your features grow without having to switch between programs! Embrilliance products are modular: You do not “Need another program first.” You can use only StitchArtist. If you have other titles, they work together seamlessly to offer incredible ability in a single interface.

StitchArtist is a design creation tool, which means it does not manipulate existing designs. Our other products, like Essentials, handle those tasks. Whether you want to create or embellish designs for hobby, friends, sale or full professional use, StitchArtist is for you.

Click here for more information about all levels of StitchArtist

Remember, as part of the Embrilliance Platform, one purchase gets you both Windows and Mac versions, no activations, no dongles, and the ability to use it on as many computers as you own!


StitchArtist Full Version Programs
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
StitchArtist Upgrades
Level 1 to 2 Level 2 to 3 Level 1 to 3

Included Stitch Types by Level

Stitch Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Line (no stitches) X X X
Manual X X X
Run (7 styles) X X X
Fill X X X
Satin Border X X X
Satin Column (auto-incline) X X X
Applique X X X
Stipple X X X
Motif Run X X X
Motif Fill X X X
Cross Stitch X X X
Freestanding Background X X X
Satin Column (inclines) X X
Candlewicking, French Knot X X
Contour (echo) 3 styles X X
Satin Contour X X
Satin Freestanding X X
Satin 3D Foam Auto-Underlay X X
Fringe X X
3, 5 Pass Whip X X
Curved Fill/Curved Motif Fill (User-drawn curve) X X
Gradient Fill (& curved mode) X X
Feathered Fill (& curved mode) X X
Fill Embossing X X
Motif Run (gradient) X X
Eyelets, Single and Run X
User-defined Motifs X
User-defined Embossing X
Carving Lines X
Break lines X
Patch Edge (Faux Merrow) X

StitchArtist Level 2

Level 2 includes all Level 1 tools. Designed for production and skills training. Create sophisticated embroidery designs and logos with a more complete set of digitizing tools. Level 2 includes a wide cross-section of embroidery stitch types and properties, enabling you to create virtually any design. If you want to use satin stitches to their fullest extent, you want Level 2. Level 2 allows the import of .SVG vector art and .FCM and .studio cutting file formats for use as objects. Level 2’s included 3D Foam underlay converts any suitable satin-stitch column elements into 3D Foam embroidery with a single, simple setting.

StitchArtist Level 3

Level 3 includes Level 1 and Level 2 tools. Made for those who love creating designs and digitizers working in commercial machine embroidery, level 3 includes advanced tools like Styles, QuickStyles, Eyelets, custom Carving lines, and shaping tools such as AND, Subtract, Union, Flatten, Inflate/Deflate, Re-construct and Break. It can even automatically outline existing stitches, making for easy borders on existing stitch-file elements. Work your way with configurable drawing tool defaults and the ability to create and publish custom Motifs and Embossed effects for personal use or distribution to the StitchArtist user community. Level 3 reveals the full properties for each stitch type, and branches all object types including sub-branches that don’t need to touch. Level 3 adds operations for more complete vector support, including export. You can even draw .svg and cutting machine designs directly. Create custom fonts for embroidery clients or publish fonts to share with or sell to your fellow Embrilliance Platform users with level 3’s included object-based, scalable font publishing using our world-renowned BX installer format, complete with rights management, all no additional cost.


Digitizing Tools Unlocked with StitchArtist 2

See the StitchArtist Levels tab above for included stitch types by level.

  • Incline (Stitch Angle) Controls
  • True Bezier Shape Input

  • A/B and Left/Right Satin Column Inputs
  • Continuous Design Visualizer for borders and bands

  • Sequence Mode for single click sequencing
  • Motif stitch ‘scale on line’ decorative scaling

  • Fill Stitch Embossing

Contour Tool

  • Three styles: Echo outline inward, Echo interior clipped, Echo outline outward
  • Offset and gradient control

Click here to see the comprehensive list of stitch properties in all versions of StitchArtist on the main StitchArtist page

Import Vector Art

Added to our our professional Bezier and Spline Point drawing tools is the ability to import .SVG vector art and even some cutting file formats (.FCM and .studio) for use as embroidery objects. Now you can start with existing vector art, modify your shapes for embroidery, and add stitch information.

Create Dimensional 3D Foam Embroidery with Ease

Included in StitchArtist level 2 is our automatic 3D Foam column underlay type, which automates the process of converting any suitable satin-stitch elements into 3D Foam embroidery with the click of a button! Add capping, connections, and set your density without the hassle of manually digitizing elements or tweaking settings.

Level 2 Satin Stitch Properties:

  • Fringe

Creates a cut fringe that holds firmly without topstitching

  • Contour

Two styles: constant density or fixed line count

  • 3 and 5 Pass Whip

Creates multiple passes over every other stitch on a satin stitch pass to create a homespun thick-thread/floss look with standard threads.

StitchArtist level 2 Includes all StitchArtist Level 1 tools, such as:

StitchArtist 1 Tools and Stitch Properties

See the StitchArtist Levels tab above for included stitch types.

Run Stitch Styles:

  • Single
  • Double
  • Bean (up to 9 passes)
  • Chain
  • Backstitch (up to 5 passes)
  • Stemstitch (adjustable width, angle)
  • Sashiko

StitchArtist Embroidery Digitizing Software Run Stitch Type and Settings Menu with Examples of Chain, Run, Backstitch, and Sashiko stitch types.

Satin stitch properties:

  • Density
  • Patterns (18)

With additional controls for in-pattern Stitch Length, Edge Pad (margin without stitch penetrations from the edge of the satin column), and turning off the pattern or selecting mid-column anchor stitches on the Reverse stitch.

      • Split Satin Stitches

Number of splits (1-5), Max stitch length, Reverse stitch control

      • Feathering / Jagged Edges

Inside and Outside, Left and Right independent control

      • Pull Compensation

Minimum, Percent, Maximum

      • Gradient

Four styles with density adjust

      • Underlay

Edge Run, Parallel, Zig-zag. With control of length, inset and density.

Satin Border

      • Pattern
      • Split
      • Feather
      • Applique
      • Line styles

Satin or Steil stitch properties in StitchArtist embroidery digitizing software

Advanced Text Tools

      • Envelope creation and editing

      • Fixed baselines at any angle or with any shape

      • Name drops at any angle and alignment for template creation

Applique and our included exclusive: Appliqadabra

      • E-Stitch, Blanket stitch, Satin
      • Full control over use of Position and Material
      • Simulated Fabric fill
      • Appliqadabra – lets you use a photo fill, with cropped printing for mixed media
      • Color styles including PES traditional, User-defined and Keep Color for multi-needle machines.
      • Cut-file saving for Silhouette, Scan ‘n Cut, SVG

Applique properties showing a satin stitch and estitch border as well as applique fabric preview in StitchArtist


      • Four styles with adjustable spacing and stitch length
      • Can be converted to a Run, and then a Motif Run for virtually unlimited possibilities.

Motif Run / Fill

      • Combine motifs in a sequence for your own pattern
      • Full control over each motif size, rotation, mirror
      • Satin motifs included
      • Candlewick motifs included

Motif Stitch properties in StitchArtist Embroidery Digitizing Software

Freestanding background

      • Can be used to make lace designs
      • Can be used under other objects for freestanding support
      • Single-run style for creating even grids for a quilted look on linings, etc.

FreeStanding lace objects and properties in StitchArtist Embroidery Digitizing Software showing a lace heart embroidery design

Cross Stitch

      • Open and closed paths supported
      • Fixed grid so adjacent objects can align

Also Included:

  • Advanced text tools including:
      • Custom envelope creation and editing for shaped text
      • Custom text baselines for text that follows any shape
      • Name drops at any angle and alignment for template creation
  • Over 200 outlines that can be used in any stitch type, including applique.
  • Over 150 Motifs for run and fill
  • Over 50 Emboss patterns
  • Over 15 Fill Patterns

Click here to see a comprehensive list of stitch properties in all versions of StitchArtist


Runs natively on your preferred platform!

  • Mac OSX 10.9 – MacOS 13
  • Windows (32, 64): XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
  • Embrilliance is the only brand in the world that offers embroidery software running native on MacOS and Windows 32 and Windows 64 (so it’s faster)!

Embroidery Machine Compatibility

Embrilliance works with any embroidery machine!

All Embrilliance Platform programs work with any embroidery machine capable of loading embroidery files, as the platform can read and write at least one format that every embroidery machine understands. This includes all machines from Brother/Baby Lock, Janome, Viking, Pfaff, Bernina, and any commercial embroidery machine that reads the standard .DST format.

All Embrilliance Platform Programs can export the following file types:

.CSD, .DST, .DSZ, .EXP, .EXP+, .HUS, .JEF, .PCS, .PCM, .PES, .SEW, .SHV, .TAP, .VIP, .VP3, .XXX

You can even set stitch parameters for your favorite file type, including trim and automatic centering options for the universal DST file type used by both commercial and home embroidery machines.

Applique cut files can be saved as .SVG, .PLT, .FCM (ScanNCut) and .studio (Silhouette).


This is a downloadable product!

Once you have completed your purchase, you will be automatically sent an invoice containing the serial number you need to activate your program by our system. If you’ve not received it within a half-hour, please use our Contact Us page to get in touch. Common causes for not getting your serial number within minutes are:

  1. Entering the incorrect email address
  2. Your invoice being filtered into your spam folder
  3. Your Email settings only allowing verified ‘friends’ mail to enter your inbox

To avoid these problems, please add * to your allowed list.

How do I install my program?

Your invoice will contain a serial number which you’ll use to activate the features in the program; simply download the latest version of the Embrilliance Platform for your operating system from and enter the serial number from your invoice when prompted on the program’s first launch.

Already have Embrilliance on your system?

If you already have an Embrilliance Platform product running, here’s all you need to do: Add the serial number to your existing Embrilliance Platform by running your existing install and using the menu Help -> Serial Numbers… type in the serial number, and click ‘Set’.

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You’ re viewing: StitchArtist Level 2 Original price was: $389.00.Current price is: $369.00.
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Runs natively on your preferred platform!

  • Mac OSX 10.10 – MacOS 11.6
  • Windows 7, 8, 10 (both 32 and 64 bit), and Windows 11
  • Embrilliance is the only brand in the world that offers embroidery software running native on MacOS and Windows 32 and Windows 64 (so it’s faster)!

Print Templates

Print properly sized templates and color run sheets from your embroidery designs.

Print 1:1 scale templates  with centering marks and run sheets previewing individual color stops from your embroidery designs.

Lettering Sequences

Embrilliance’s lettering tool includes built in center-out lettering sequences for stable stitching on cylindrical cap frames.

Special monogram sequences let you set which of the 3 letters will stitch in order, perfect for adding dimension, like making the last name’s initial overlap the other letters for a more prominent finish.

Sequence monograms to leave the center letter on top for dimensional treatments on overlapping letters.

Convert Lettering to Stitches

Easily convert text objects to stitch blocks with 2 clicks.

Embrilliance Essentials lets you convert lettering objects into stitch blocks with 2 clicks.

With Essentials’ Stitch Simulator, you can play back a design and stop at the stitch where you want to insert your color stop or function.

You can create striped text like this using only these simple functions.

Create Applique Cut Files

Embrilliance Essentials lets you convert the placement stitch lines from applique embroidery design stitch files into vector shapes you can cut with both home and commercial cutting machines. With a couple of clicks, applique cut files can be saved as .SVG, .PLT, .FCM (ScanNCut) and .studio (Silhouette).


Shows the Notes function in Embrilliance Essentials

Located in the Properties panel, the Notes tab lets you attach notes to specific designs inside of your working file’s design page. You’ll see your notes in the same tab the when that design is selected, and in the ‘About this Page’ option under the View menu.

Working Files

Shows the working file format allowing text to be changed in an embroidery file

When you save your embroidery in an Embrilliance Platform native BE working file, you can keep your color selections, add special notes, and change the text you’ve added to your design. With native BE files, you can save your work, alter your additions, and export to a wide range of stitch file types without losing the ability to edit what you’ve added to the design.

Modify Lettering

Shows multiple single-click text and monogram modifications you can do with Embrilliance Essentials

Embrilliance Essentials’ built-in quick styles can convert letters from any font into a stylish monogram or shaped text in an instant!

Displays Embrilliance's Text tools for Slant, Curve, and Spacing

The Slant, Curve, and Space tools allow you to reshape and style your text with simple sliders to create new treatments. You can even adjust multiple sliders on the same lettering object!

Add Lettering to Embroidery Designs

Embrilliance Essentials lets you add text to design with multiple lines of lettering and specific multiline controls.

Along with adding single words or lines of text, you can use a multi-line mode with specific controls for line spacing.

Monogram Font in Embrilliance Essentials

Under single-line text, monogram fonts properly mapped for Embrilliance automatically select the correct character for the placement in the monogram without typing special codes.

Embrilliance allows you to easily type text on a circular path.

Switch to circle text and you can type text around any circle, just set the radius to your chosen measurement and decide where the text will sit on the baseline. Circle mode also lets you wrap long lines of lettering into a spiral!

Advanced Sizing Controls

Includes Sensitivity controls to adjust for the discovery of fills and satin stitches, Gap Reduction to help reduce gaps between adjacent areas when you upscale designs, and stitch length filters to avoid overly long, loopy stitches and tiny stitches that are too closely crammed together.