Retrieve your Serial Numbers

Please enter the email address you used to purchase or register your Embrilliance software in the field below to receive an email containing all the serial numbers registered to that address.If you previously used an email that you can no…

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Return Policy

Return policy: We want you to be happy! That is why we do not have a ‘no-questions’asked’ return policy. Use the Contact Us link at We will ask you why you need to do a return, as the reason…

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Welcome to Embrilliance

Hello, I’m Brian Bailie. Welcome to Embrilliance! Embrillianceâ„¢ makes embroidery software Fun, Easy and Affordable for all levels of hobbyists and professionals. These titles have versions for Windows and MacOS. That’s why we say it’s “Embroidery for the Rest of Us!”…

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A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Embroidery

Welcome Hi! Welcome to the world of machine embroidery. I’m Brian, your guide in this journey. Who am I? I am the one who has been there before you. I’ll try to take you through this as gently as I…

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Embroidery Software – Start Here

Welcome to our readers’ page where we link some information by topic to help you get more familiar with Embrilliance. A Guided Tour of Embroidery A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Embroidery  is a longer read that introduces a large gamut of…

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Product Selection Guide

Product Selection Guide If you haven’t quite got a handle on the basic concepts, don’t forget to read our Embroidery Software Basics guide. If you do have a basic understanding, or got here from there, read on! Thumbnailer – You…

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Machine Embroidery Software Basics

Embroidery Software Basics Starters This text is for the absolute beginner. Embroidery machines are sewing machines that use a robot arm (known as a pantograph) to move the fabric under the needle as it sews. The fabric is attached to…

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We’re just like you and don’t think anything about us should ever be shared. We do not share your information with anyone. Our terms are simple – you need to be happy. No need to say more, really.